Generational Knowledge Transfer.

Better intel for a modern world.

One of my favorite people to listen to and read is Morgan Housel.

If you don’t know about him, here is your cue.  He goes on my list of “People to Know” as well as my even more exclusive list of “People who have Changed my Life” (many of these, despite never having met.) 

Morgan is a finance guy by trade.  Yet, the majority of his book ideas and podcasts are much more. I’d describe it as Modern Philosophy and How to Get Life RIGHT.   

No kidding, I love this guy. He’s made my life better.

My favorite idea of his is Generation Knowledge Transfer.

The idea is that things keep improving and advancing throughout the generations despite us barely noticing and often thinking it’s reversed.   

There is plenty of doom and gloom in your face.  You don’t need to look.  Just open an app or turn on the news, and you can be bombarded by fear, gloom, comparisons, inadequacy, “pick a side,” and scary facts.  

Fear and anxiety sell.    Doom and gloom grab your attention.  We’re wired for this as humans.  It’s our ancient survival mechanism kicking into a modern world.

Awareness is the key to unlocking the cycle.   

Like I preach in each chapter of my book, “Parenting from Out of Bounds”, Awareness allows for a change of perspective.  We need this.

Although his muscle is in the finance realm, Morgan’s ideas in his generation knowledge transfer explanation were sports ideas.   

Tony Hawk was the first person to land the 720, and then just 15 years later, a second grader did it.

The average gymnast from the 1932 Olympics wouldn’t make the medal stand at a local middle school meet.  These ideas and hundreds of others make up the components of his teachings.   

Ideas that despite what we see thrown in our face, the world has always and is still progressing in a favorable way.   You just have to have the awareness to see it.

This Transfer of Generation Knowledge hits so hard for me.   That’s what I want to do.   Help progress ideas in the arena of my expertise.

The medical world in general and what is happening with sports practitioners specifically is absolutely mind-blowing.   Even the protocols I used in the clinic a few years ago have been modified and evolved.  

I want to be the change.

The next generation of young adults and even my teens can do much more with this knowledge than I can.  Their ability to absorb information is exponential when compared to my generation.  I often teach it’s like the RAM memory available on a computer.  A 2000 10 MB laptop was legit.   One photo on the newest iPhone would overload that computer today.   Kids just compute faster and have more intelligence than I can.  But, they are doomed to the slow filtration of knowledge, much like the generations before, because they are lacking a couple key aspects:


Trial and Error. 

The ability to glean real intel, from the overloaded availability of information that is available.


The scientific method, with observation and recalibration of what they try.

The fear to fail.

To truly have a transfer of knowledge and not have to take decades to learn, they need a little explanation or different perspectives.

It’s called accelerated learning, and that’s the idea behind these posts and podcasts.  

Ideas you should be familiar with.  Some old and some new.   Sharing the awareness that “this is how some people are thinking. Now play with it and see what you find.”

I hope this website and the sister site at BeAwesome365 will just give you that.  Tools you can use in the Generational Knowledge Transfer around you.

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