PARS injuries or “Spondy” in Athletes

Spondylolysis is a common cause of lower back pain in young athletes. Despite being labeled as a fracture, I suggests, through this article, that it is often a developmental issue rather than a true fracture. Understanding the condition and providing proper treatment and rest are crucial for recovery and a return to play.

Rotator Cuff Strains and Injuries

Modern intel on Rotator Cuffs and Injuries here.

“That’s a real issue for us in the field. The fact that is was called “torn” rather than “strained” makes a poor mental picture and truly affects recovery.”

General Sprains and Strains

A Modern approach to treating Sprains and Strains in athletes.

Like many things in sports med, “It works. It’s just working through an entirely different mechanism than we thought it was.”

Hamstring Strain

The article discusses modern treatment approaches for hamstring strains. It advises against traditional methods like stretching and heat, advocating for ice and low-level contractions instead. I want to emphasize the importance of up-to-date information and insights on injury mechanisms and treatment effectiveness based on recent research. The focus is on faster recovery and better body…


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Life Hacks – Easier Workouts. New Fitness/Diet Plans/ Injury and Rehab Ideas. SportsDocDC is built to give you an inside into the newest techniques, tools and modern thinking of the Human Body. “BioHacking” explained in easy terms, with humor and fun.

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